Monday, December 8, 2008

Jealous fiance issue

Dear Teri,
hi is it poor taste or not to give a coworker a very casual hug non embrasing goodbye at a social different than a casual kiss on the cheek ? let me explain while attending a social function with coworkers , my fience and i were leaving decending the steps out, a coworker runs into me (female) she says oh your leaving the party early i explain i was on call and needed to leave..i tell her to enjoy the party and gave her a very loose courteous hug this co worker means nothing to me i was being polite my fience the next day exploded that she couldnt believe i did that in front of her! god just an hour prior my boss gave her a kiss on the cheek welcoming her to the party! nothing but a social welcome/goodbye i've always have done this its done at all social function with i wrong?

Dear Roger.
Your fiance may have some issues Roger and you need to use this situation as a warning bell as to what's coming down the road. You did nothing wrong and for her to overreact like this is a clear and obvious sign that she has insecurity issues in a big way that will translate to a very jealous and demanding wife who won't be a lot of fun to be with in a lifetime marriage. Jealousy like that isn't a sign of how much you love someone--it's a sign of how insecure you are. I'd reassess the relationship and do some reflection on any other situations like this--because being married to an insanely and irrationally jealous person is a nightmare--stalkings and murders have been known to happen.