Monday, December 8, 2008

Rude comments about my marriage

Dear Teri,
While my husband stepped away during a party, three of our friends made a rude comment about our marriage. I was very offended. When we got home from party, I told my husband. He wanted to address it with them. I told him that I would be very uncomfortable if he did that and asked him not to. He told me he was going to anyway. The next night we saw them again, and in a small group setting of only 6 people he brought it up. I was so embarrased, I left the room. What is the proper way to handle something like this?

Dear Pam,
WOW! Your friends are WAY out pf line BUT--your husband should NOT have gone against your wishes like that, in doing so he broke a serious rule of marriage--you never ever do anything to betray something your spouse tells you in confidence and asks you not to repeat--it's a matter of trust. I'd be so angry at my husband if he did something like this that he would hide from me for days! The proper way to handle this is that when someone makes a rude comment about your marriage, you look at them as if you are sure you have heard them incorrectly and say in a very sharp tone "Excuse me?" They should immediately apologize and make ammends for their inexcusable boorish behavior and if they don't, you turn and WALK AWAY and don't go back. A lady NEVER allows her spouse/marriage to be disparaged by anyone for any reason and these people are not friends if they are making comments like this--that's your HUSBAND and MARRIAGE they are insulting and it's extremely rude and ill-bred of them to disparage it in any way. Your husband should have respected your wishes and heeded the axiom:knowing what people say behind your back helps to better evaluate what they say to your face.