My female boss is getting married and because it will be her second marriage, they are asking for cash to help with their honeymoon. What amount is appropriate?
My female boss is getting married and because it will be her second marriage, they are asking for cash to help with their honeymoon. What amount is appropriate?
It is incredibly tacky to ask for cash as a wedding gift. In polite society it is simply NOT done, and I am astonished that she would commit such an incredible social faux pas. To ask for cash as a wedding gift insults your guests in two ways. The first way implies that they do not have adequate taste to select an appropriate gift. The second way implies that the wedding is being used as a fundraising operation, much the same as having your mother throw you a shower, it is simply NOT done. That being said, the amount that's appropriate is whenever is within your budget should you decide to attend the wedding. If you do not attend the wedding you're not obligated to give any gift, cash or otherwise. Also, you don't have to give cash for a gift even though it was requested, you are welcome to purchase an appropriate gift of your choice.