Monday, October 27, 2008

Holiday Family Housguest, How Many?

My husband and I relocated to my in-laws area to help care for my paraplegic father-in–law. My husband’s entire family (3 generations) comes home for Thanksgiving (25 people). My in-laws always keep my husband’s single sister and another brother’s family (wife and 1 daughter). I am expected to keep the rest of the family. I have one guest room because we have a home business office. Last Thanksgiving I slept on the bare floor, under the dining room table (the only place left in the house). Not one person made a bed or rolled up a sleeping bag. My entire house was wall to wall clothes, sleeping bags and towels. My cat was so stressed by the multitude of people and smells that she wet one of the beds, something she never does. Everyone left the house as soon as they were dressed to spend time with the in-laws. I received no thank-you notes.This past Labor Day one family (5 members) stayed with us. We gave up our master suite to them. The parents had our king sized bed and the three children had foam rubber mattresses on the floor. The wife informed me that their family would have slept better if they had had separate bedrooms. No beds were made or towels brought out, even though I specifically requested this. Again, no thank-you notes.All of the family members that stay with us are very well-off financially and take nice vacations. Is it unreasonable to say that I am perfectly happy to house one couple and that the rest need to arrange for hotel accommodations?

Of course not! It's unreasonable for them to expect to stay in your home and treat you like an innkeeper! I think it's outrageous that you let them take advantage of you like they did and they couldn't be bothered to send a thank-you note! Were they raised by wolves??What you need to do is call a local hotel and see if they have a group rate for however many rooms you will need. When they call, you tell them you have the most wonderful news and that you have arranged a special rate for them at the hotel. When they ask why you won't be hosting the wolf pack, you tell them that you are unable to do so this year. If they press you on why, you say: Because it's just impossible for me to do it this year. Stand tough and don't let them bully you or guilt you. If they are so desperate, they can go stay with mom and dad and tough toenails! You do the lion's share of caring for THEIR parents and you absolutely should not have to put up with these rude people in your home.