Monday, October 27, 2008

1st Birthday


I would like to celebrate my daughter's first birthday and my Mother suggested the family have dinner at a local resturaunt. I would like to invite my immediate family as well as my Aunt & Uncle and their adult children and grandchildren. My husband and I cannot afford to pay for everyone's dinner. Is their a polite way to invite everyone to join us without paying for their meal? My husband doesn't want to have a party at our house & mother will not go to a birthday party at the park. Please advise.


You word it like this:Please come celebrate Angel's first birthday and the Restaurant Name.We are having cake after dinner and the restaurant has offered everyone a special dinner price for selected menu items or you can order from the regular menu. I'd go for the party in the park if I were you.By the way, I can pretty much guarantee that if your mom has to choose between party in the park and not getting to see Angel's first birthday party, she'll go to the park. Don't let people manipulate you--when my mother pulls this crap I just say "What a shame--we'll miss not having you with us." She shows up every time.