Sunday, December 13, 2009



Dear Miss Smarty Pants,

My brother's wife is a tacky Christmas gift giver. First she gives us a list of gifts she EXPECTS us to buy and in return we are RE-GIFTED. It's not a matter
of resources, she's got the money to buy gifts for her in-laws. I'm sick of her attitude of entitlement.
So, should I boycott Christmas this year or refuse to
get them anything?
What is most frustrating is that if I mention the re-gifting I look like the small one. I feel like I'm being taken advantage
Thank you in advance,
Advantaged Out

Dear Advantaged Out,
When your sister-in-law hands you her list, smile and hand it back to her and tell her that you aren't buying Christmas gifts this year and that she shouldn't get you anything either. Tell her that you are only interested in spending time with the people you love and that you just don't want to do the material thing any more. The stunned look on her face should be very satisfying, don't you think? However, you MUST stick to this if you decide to do it and not give in to people who give you something--you just smile and tell them that you don't need it and that they should return it for a refund because you didn't do any Christmas shopping and don't plan to do any ever again.

Merry Christmas to all!