Dear Miss Smarty Pants,
As Christmas approaches, I have a re-gifting question about my daughter. I intend to give her a string of pearls from her deceased maternal grandmother. Would it be appropriate to give this as a gift at a family present opening on Christmas day, or should this be done privately and when? I don't intend for her to be pressured to wear them on Christmas day or for her upcoming wedding.
Concerned Santa-Mom
Dear Concerned Santa Mom,
First, this is not re-gifting, it is called "passing down family heirlooms" and it should be done privately, particularly if there is a story to tell her that goes with the piece. I had a ring passed down to me that was for 4 generations given to the oldest daughter on her 13th birthday and a story went with it. I told the story when I passed it on to the next generation--it's family history. If their is a story or history of the pearls, you should pass it on as one day you daughter's daughter will pass them on again.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!