Thursday, April 9, 2009

Office food etiquette

When it's someone's birthday and a homemade dessert (i.e. cheesecake, enough for 12)is made and brought in for that person and placed on his desk is it proper for any peron from the department to go over and help themselves without asking? There's about 50 people in my department and I made this for my good friend expecting him to share with the 7 or 8 in his immediate spot and 2 people (whom neither of us care for I might add...)just came over and helped themselves without asking. Please advise if I was out of line in finding this extremely rude!

As you made the cheesecake as a gift, and placed it on the desk of the intended recipient, it was incredibly rude of these people to help themselves without asking. You might explain to them that you made it as a gift for the birthday person, not as a general snack for the office to share. Next time put it in a wrapper and put a bow on it to keep the office pigs out of it. That being said, it's also not appropriate to bring in something you expect to be shared without bringing enough for everyone. It's either a gift he takes home and enjoys with family or enough to share with everyone. The exception would be if you all sneaked into the break room and had a private celebration.