Monday, August 25, 2008

Wedding Vows

Dear Limo Princess,
I am getting married overseas, my parents aren't able to attend our wedding but I would still like to include them in the vows. Help. Is there any sites or do you have any suggestions that include parents who can't attend the wedding in the wedding vows?
Thank you,Erica

Dear Erica,
I put my wedding on YouTube for my parents who were unable to attend. I would suggest you get a laptop with a web cam and let them watch it live--and you can also put the video on YouTube for everyone to see and enjoy! Might as well take advantage of the technology available to us!
Blessings, Limo Princess

FOLLOW-UP QUESTION: Thanks for the answer but it wasn't quite what I meant. I would like to somehow have the Celebrant acknowledge that my parents cannot be there in person, and am seeking the words or wording to do so.

Ahhhhhhhhh OK! When the part of the ceremony comes where the officiant asks: Who gives this woman to this man, you have a surrogate stand up and say something like: "Her parents Mr and Mrs Smith do even though they can't be here to share the joy" and then sit down.I misinterpreted your question Erica, I'm so sorry! I hope this is what you are looking for. It doesn't have to be those exact words but it should be to the point and not be a speech.'
Blessings and Congratulations!
Limo Princess