Monday, August 25, 2008

Response to $ Received in a Will

My partner just recently received some money through his grandfathers will. I want to make sure we respond the best way to say thank you. can you make some suggestions as to what should be written in a letter like this, words don't come easy at times like this. my partner although pleased about the money is also saddened that this will be the last connection to his grandad. the letter of thanks will be addressed to my partners uncle who took care of the will, he is a businessman in politics, so we don't want to come across too simple. can you help, there are no Hallmark cards for this topic I don't think the dollar value is relevant but just in case, it was less than $3000

Dear Reader,
It was your partner's grandfather's instructions that your partner be given the money and the uncle is required by probate law to follow through on it, you didn't get the money out of the goodness of his heart--he was required to give it to you. Your partner's uncle is acting as executor and is paid a fee by the estate, in most cases, for seeing that all of the terms and bequests in the will are carried out. A thank you note for the money is NOT required and should not be sent. If you wish to send a note, send one that thanks him for his service to the estate--NOT for the money--it wasn't his money and should not be mentioned.Here's how it should read:Dear Uncle Joe,I wanted to thank you for your help in probating Grandpa X's will. I know it's a difficult and time-consuming process and I appreciate the time and effort you put into carrying out Grandpa's wishes. I will never forget the time(s) we (insert experience here, i.e. went fishing,)and I miss Grandpa a lot. Hope all is well with you and we look forward to seeing you at (whenever--Christmas or the next time you will see him). Again, thank you so much for your help!Fondly, (or whatever)Your Partner's signatureThis note should be HAND-WRITTEN on your partner's personal stationery or in a blank on the inside Thank You card and mailed.My condolences on the loss of your grandfather.
Limo Princess

FOLLOW-UP thank you very much for the response, it will certainly be helpful to my partner.

I'm so glad I was able to help you and feel free to contact me again if I can be of further assistance